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We're happy to announce official ShareMint support for is the web3 native referral and affiliate marketing platform. We make it easy for web3 projects to add a referral program in minutes. is a web3 native newsletter and blogging platform. You can think of it as a Substack or Medium built for web3.
Some cool Paragraph features include:
Subscribe via email or Ethereum wallet
Token-gate your newsletter
Permanent & uncensorable storage
Monetise your content via NFTs
Farcaster casts (tweets) show as comments
Starting today Paragraph newsletter authors can launch a referral program via ShareMint to incentivize sharing of the newsletter. Even better, ShareMint is completely free for newsletters.
MorningBrew pioneered referrals for newsletters. It helped them grow their audience to 1.5 million subscribers.
We wanted to start writing on Paragraph ourselves but at the time it lacked support for referrals. With the help of the Paragraph team, we added a ShareMint integration to easily allow Paragraph authors to add a referral program of their own.
Using ShareMint referrals you can incentivize your subscribers to share the newsletter with others.
These are the rewards that Morning Brew used for their referral program:
But even a simple rewards program can drive strong results. The Milk Road newsletter offers readers an "An Inside Look At What The Crypto Whales Are Betting On" if they refer just one person to the newsletter. And that referral program drove an extra 18,000 subscribers to their newsletter.
Other ideas for newsletter rewards include gifting membership NFTs to access premium content. Or rewarding users with a percentage of revenue they help generate for the newsletter.
We're excited to see what people do to grow their newsletters using the ShareMint referral platform.
To add a referral program, follow the steps below:
Sign up to ShareMint
Create a new project
Select "Newsletter"
Share your affiliate/referrer page with your audience
That's it from you! Your subscribers can now share their invite link with others to invite them to the newsletter.
For the full ShareMint docs:
If there are new features you'd like to see added to the referral program feel free to comment below or reach out to the ShareMint or Paragraph teams.